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Consultant for the Cruise Destination Development Plan (CDDP) for Mindelo Cruise Terminal (Cabo Verde)
A ENAPOR, Empresa Nacional de Administração dos Portos, S.A., com sede social no Mindelo, S. Vicente, telefone (238) 230 75 00, fax (238) 232 43 37/ (238) 232 21 70, C.P. 82, por esta via anuncia o lançamento do Request For Proposal (RfP) for Development of Consultancy Services for the Cruise Destination Development Plan (CDDP) for Mindelo Cruise Terminal (Cabo Verde)
ENAPOR announces the launch of the Request For Proposal (RfP) for Development of Consultancy Services for the Cruise Destination Development Plan (CDDP) for Mindelo Cruise Terminal (Cabo Verde).
ENAPOR announces the launch of the Request For Proposal (RfP) for Development of Consultancy Services for the Cruise Destination Development Plan (CDDP) for Mindelo Cruise Terminal (Cabo Verde).
Os interessados deverão consultar a documentação em anexo.
Interested parties should consult the attached documentation
Interested parties should consult the attached documentation